Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Tell me...

Ok, tell me - is anyone else having trouble getting pics up on Blogger these days?? I'm pulling my hair out! Driving me crazy, to the point I'm thinking maybe Typepad is the way to go... Any thoughts from the wider community out there...?

And speaking of telling, we've just had the Australian Census last night. We ticked the box saying that in 99 years our information from last night can be released on the public record. I'm sure that was a part put there for scrapbookers and family historians. So we've lodged our form online, telling all our juicy details (yes, we do have someone in our house who is incapable of feeding and toileting themselves - we call him the baby) and I hope our great great grandkids will check us out one day.

Catch ya...


Digitalgirl said...

Lol! I wondered that about my own son! I'm so glad there are people out there like me too who want our decendants to know more about us even how many times we've moved in the last 5 years lol! Also thanks for the wonderful stitches!

DebF said...

he he I ticked NO, cos I'd hate to cause problems for my great-grandchildren LOL. lots of people seem to be having issues with blogger lately - I moved to Wordpress back in April and I'm loving it (tho you have to host it somewhere)

Erin (moviemuse) said...

That is precisely why I do not use Blogger to host my photos. I just code the HTML by hand, right in the edit box. It's really easy, and it works great.