Sunday, July 23, 2006

This may have happened...

a) I spent 5 minutes looking at the little hologram label on a Sandisk box.
b) Mr G rushed into the room thinking that either Mr A or the cat was in pain... but it turned out it was me singing along to some opera.
c) I dyed my hair... it's natural colour.
d) all of the above

If you answered d), you'd be correct.

The hologram was really cool. I can't sing. And the grey hair is hidden - for 8 washes at least.

Mr L won't be attending school tomorrow. He's had a piece of bread - but that's all since Thursday. Fingers crossed one more day of rest will see him ok. The whole weekend has been spent making sure he's ok, but that's alright. This is the sickest he's ever been, and we all know, when you're sick, you need mum.

And on that note, this mum better get to bed. See you in the morning for some Monday freebies... ;)

Catch ya...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope that guy gets better soon!!