Friday, July 21, 2006

Secrets out...

Yep, the secret's out. I'm so excited! Can't wait to get creating.

On the home front, Mr A is on the mend, Mr L is home from school after chucking twice in the night. Fun, fun, fun - not. I hate it when they're sick. At least it looks like they won't be at their worst at the same time, so that's a little considerate.

Ok, off to hang with the sickies. Have a good day everyone!

Catch ya...


Anonymous said...

That is awesome have become one of my fav designers in such a short time! I just bought your entire Sewing Box line yesterday and I adore it...I played with it and it really is the best! The "whacking huge" flowers are so cool and I also really like the offbeat swatches and pins.

You have some awesome company over there!

Congrats again and take care of those sickies ;-)


Priscilla said...

woohoo!! WTG Karen, congrats!!