Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The "Mother of the Year" award...

Will not be awarded to me.

Mr L went nuts before school. It all started because I would only let him read one chapter of his reader to me, not the entire book. And it went down hill from there.

Mr A, on the other hand, is so confident in my parenting abilities that he doesn't want me to leave him alone. Ever. Not be out of eyesight, not be in the next room, not in the laundry popping the washing on. Screams like a banshee unless I'm there giving him 100% attention. Only a new development, and one I'm not overly fond of so far.

I'm also unlikely to be winning "Pet Owner of the Year" - I'm ready to throttle the two kitties who are roaming my house yowling for reasons unknown.


Such an exotic and exciting life I lead... And my dear Mr G has just popped in, to see I was ok. Thank goodness. Love him to bits. Love them all. It's just part of the trials and tribulations, right?

Catch ya...


Anonymous said...

I can definitely relate. I called my boy 'velcro baby' for the first half of his life. He is still very clingy and wants me to do everything with him...One of these days he will grow out of it, right?
Hang in there!

DebF said...

hugs hun, you're doing great, really, it's all part of the process (except, perhaps, the kitties lol)

Cherie Shields said...

I think as mums we all have days ... weeks like this. Before we know it our darlings are all grown up! Hope you regain partial sanity somehow. Just remind your self that whatever doesn't kill us, makes us stronger .... lol I might even believe myself about that one, one day ;)

Anonymous said...

My goodness you didn't have a good day! BTW, are your kitties female? Perhaps they are in heat... Just an idea.. :) Hope you have a better day tomorrow..