Friday, June 09, 2006

Back to the regular scheduled program...

Phew. Sidetracked a bit with all the digi stuff this week. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you.

A and I took my mum out on Tuesday (late Mothers Day present) to see an exhibition of Annemieke Mein's work. Absolutely breathtaking. Awesome. Exceeded my expectations entirely. She is such a gifted textile artist. Was well worth the trip.

L is doing well at school. School reports come out next week, and he's already crashed the system by reading off the reporting scale for Preps. Tee hee. He's a clever cookie, that one. And he'll be a happy camper tonight when he realizes Mapa are collecting him from school AND there's book club books waiting for him at home!

A is... well, A is sleeping in the day! I shouldn't say that, or he'll stop, but he's had decent sleeps all this week. Makes him happy, and me happier. He's blossomed in the last 3 weeks. So smiley, and chatty and just a joy. Love my boys.

Speaking of which, here's a pic of the boys with my dad. Dad, his beard and his boys. Mum wants me to get a photo of T with A and L - must remember to do that next time the three grandboys are together.

Hope you're all having a good week. Long weekend for us in this part of the world - although G has to work, L has no school Monday. And then, this time next week, school holidays. *sigh* And half a year is gone...


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed all your digi stuff. You are so talented and creative.
No wonder you have such a wonder boy in L - and I bet A is going to be really clever too.
Take care hun.

Anonymous said...

hi karen, skipped on over here from Amber's blog. Great to hear L is doing well in school, though not suprised hehe. Would love to catch up on all that with you soon. I went to school with Ms Mein's daughter and as Sale people her work was bloody everywhere we went as she was most definetly Sale's favourite daughter. despite all that i think i would look at it with a new appreciation now for the time and talent because they are beyond belief aren't they? was this the first time you had seen her stuff? she is something else.